Thread: Engine Paint
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Old 12-17-2002, 07:24 PM   #1
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Engine Paint

Okay, I know I've brought up this subject before, but the only answers I got were just to get auto part store engine paint. I was wondering if there was any other methods of painting your engines without going the spray can way with only a limited choice of colors. Okay I've got this October 2001 issue of Lowrider titled "How to build a 100 point engine." In it they say they just sprayed a base coat of House of Kolor Silver. Then when it dried, they sprayed "Burple" (Blue/purple) on it. I was just wondering if this was just made to be a show motor, where it wouldn't get hot enough to cook the paint or would it be suficient; Is there something you could put in the paint to have it accept a higher temp range??? Thanks guys.
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