Originally Posted by -Greg72
From the sidelines (and not knowing the specifics) it just seems like a lot of VERY nice vehicles you own are going up for sale... sometimes that's an indication of someone who may have just "burned out" on the hobby, or it could just mean that you're clearing space and consolidating a little.???
I'm hoping it's the latter rather than the former, since you really seem to have a passion for the hobby, and your skills with body repair and paint are beyond amazing.
Plus...we all need some inspiration to keep going on our own projects....and your photos and buildups have provided that service on many occasions.

Fair enough
Definitely more of a consolidation thing.
It's all about space really, mainly "the lack of"
Were thinking we'd like a larger home and funding something close to what we want at this stage of our lives will not be cheap.
Option deux:
A 24ftx32ft two story addition, again same story...$$$$
The good side is that both options will net me "man space" as you call it, of which right now is EXTREMELY limited.
I've had to beg/borrow and steal for storage space over the years and it's just gotten old.
Still currently an "outdoor kid"

(no garage to work on the trucks)
That being said, I have parts I've forgotten all about and that's just to freakin' many!!!