Thread: Fair trade...
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Old 08-05-2007, 10:33 PM   #1
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Fair trade...

Hey y'all, I havent posted in a while...

Anywho, just to catch y'all up on the past 4 months or how ever long its been since I posted anything....

-Blew the motor in my truck
-Grown accustomed to luxery after driving my old ladies 98 Sonoma
-Old lady and I went our seperate ways, took her truck with her
-Left me with nothing to drive
-Had to throw back in the orignal 327...took almost 2 hours
-Now I have something to drive
-Rebuilding the 454 that was in it..."we can made it better, faster, stronger"
-Bought a new shotgun....Benelli Supernova 12guage
-Been driving the hell out of my truck averaging 3-9mpg depending on how late Im running

Now, a guy at work has been in love with my truck ever since he saw it. And he offered me a trade.

1993 GMC Typhoon(hell yeah...turbo) which has 43K on the clock, and is in *edited by moderator* near perfect condition.

It books out for 9K according to the Kelly guy and his little blue book.

That sounds like a fair trade?
ultra rare corvette option package

Last edited by krue; 08-06-2007 at 04:55 PM. Reason: Not family friendly language.
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