Thanks guys... I guess I wasn't specific enough- I'd like to keep the heat operational, so I'd like to keep the duct work. My heat doesn't work right now(I'm assuming it's the core) so I'm getting ready within the next month or so to just start tearring stuff off and figuring out how to put just non-A/C stuff back on. TYNEE- I still have the compressor, it was given to me in a box when I bought the truck so I have no idea of the condition, I'd be willing to part with it.
I guess the best thing to do would be to get everything off and then post pics of what I have to get rid of.
I'd be interested in junkyard johns pictures and maybe a little advice before I get in too far.
Someone sent me a private message but I didn't get it somehow, see if you can try again...
I may take you up on your offer GMCpaul
Dan Smith
1971 Jimmy