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Old 08-10-2007, 01:59 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Craig Co
Posts: 17
Talking My One Ton and Other

I see some people like to look at PU's that aren't cruisers and show trucks so I will show a little of what I have. Both are 71's one ton flat was bought for a part truck, thinking I could sell hoist and make a little money, but I liked It so much and is very usefull I just keep it. Other one is a 3/4 ton that I have had for serveral years just now starting to do a frame off rebuild and will put a nice flat bed back on it and us as a daily driver. Both ran-run good with not much rust or mechanical problems. Oh, by the way the one ton is used to haul my trash to landfill so that is why it has the generic cover, but grandkids think it was built as a camper
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