Sorry took so long to reply--been away. As to the 502 logo, Ausley's Chevelle in N.C. has this 502 logo that they use on thier Chevelle emblems to replace,say, a 454 emblem. It is the perfect size to fit inside the 8-400 emblem after you grind out the 400 with a suitable tool (I used a dremel). I painted the ground out area flat black then stuck the 502 emblem on as it comes with self stick tape already on it. (502 emblems are $30.00 + shipping.
As to the 402, did the 6 cly. trucks have a cid emblem? If so you could cut out a 2 and then grind out a 0 and install the 2--wa-la a 402 emblem. Hope ths helps.