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Old 08-14-2007, 09:01 PM   #10
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Re: kicking around selling my 72 cheyenne 4x4

You've been dealing with these trucks for years---put yourself in the place of a potential buyer. Would you buy the "kit" and if so, what is the most you would be willing to spend for it? Unfortunately very few know the cost/value/rairty of some of the NOS stuff and also, few appreciate it enough to pay the premium we would all like to sell it for. You could get big bucks for a completed high optioned truck but rarely would the cost equal or exceed the effort to put it all together. So, yea buddy, you have some tough thought processes to go through.
Just keep in mind what you would like the final outcome to be then adjust your thought process to the reality of what the package is you want to sell. You may want to cherry pick some of the most valuable stuff to pedal on e-bay or may just want to move it (intact will all the stuff) to a new owner assuming you want it to get the right attention. Good luck~~. Huck
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