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Old 08-15-2007, 12:47 PM   #3
77 350 Shorty Wide
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Thumbs up Re: Has any1 installed the euro style headlights and hd wiring from lmc?

I did the switch, don't have any before and after pics.
They're suppose to be plug & play wiring but mine wasn't. Their connector was wired incorrectly, had the hi and low beam wires switched. I swapped them and everything is now ok.
I haven't yet had them out on the road yet... but they are quite a bit brighter on the garage wall.
On a scale of 1 to 10 rating for over all ease of install I would rate it a 8. That's because I'm not an electrical guy... but with a schematic from a service manual and trial and error I was able to have it fixed fairly quickly.
Overall I would say a good experience.

God Bless, Terry
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