Re: Look what I had in my Private Messages
Yeah i had a scam couple years ago dud would give me a 4k dollar cashiers check for my 1974 monte carlo bomber car id get it in the mail and the guy would be there ina freightliner to pic it up in 3 days lol. I gave the address and pretended to go along with it how ever i moved the race car to my grannys the guy did come and had 4 other dirt cars on the trailer. Guess there really is some stupid arses out there anyhow i told him when i get cash in hand you will get the money so he said ill give 200.00down for that delt ayou got ther so i said ok tgimmi the 200.00 and you can have the delta. I didnt care the delta was givin to me by a local track it wasa demo car tht never got hit lol. so i made 200.00 but never saw the 4k dollar cashiers check.