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Old 08-20-2007, 01:43 AM   #3
CJ5 Convert
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Re: Best way to rewire through firewall... stock connector? aftermarket bulkhead? other?

Hey CentralCoaster - I bought one of American Auto wires. I got the big one 22 circuits. It uses weatherpack inserts and is two peice. It barely fit into the original hole in the fire wall and I ended up haveing to notch the bottom of the original whole to get it right. Here is a link to what it look's like out of the box and mocked up. I f you want picks of what it looked like now that I made some plates to fill in the hole and let it set flush let me know. Also American Autowire makes smaller bulkead connectors I think like 10 circuit and other sizes. Hope this helps -Jason
- Jason
Orange Crush - 1969 K5 Blazer CST 4WD MONEY PIT
1975 CJ5 Renegade - Levi's Edition - 304 V8 original paint

Last edited by CJ5 Convert; 08-20-2007 at 01:43 AM.
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