Originally Posted by azngosh8r
'restored' is a term that is used very often...if it was 'frame off restored' or 'rotisserie restored' then you would have a complaint. remember, you never get what you think you are getting unless you go and inspect the vehicle before you bid....all those 20 footer cars that dont look good when you get closer....those look perfect in a picture.
I strongly disagree.Restored is restored and it needs to stay that way.Not repainted or this rebuilt or that replaced or fixed.There are different extents of restored once you`re in that category,as mentioned.And,restored doesn`t necessarily mean good work,either.A vehicle that looks good in a picture or from a distance doen`t say a word about restoration.It`s just a good looking vehicle.Determining if there`s been a restore becomes obvious upon actual inspecting and I have no problem calling a seller out on his fibbery.Inspection will reveal the quality of restoration,for the most part.But,restored means some form of disassembly.If it was a clean low-mile survivor that just needed freshening up to look restored,that`s a great find.But,it ain`t restored.And,that`s good.But you can expect repairs down the road.A restored vehicle should have everything rebuilt or new...period.