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Old 12-23-2002, 01:24 AM   #1
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Question Steering wheel poll

Ok gang...I have a couple choices here...I think i already know which one I'm doing....but I was curiouse what y'all was thinking on this.
I have 4 wheels to play with which needs to go into the GMC for when it gets sold...and the other, needs to go on top of the tilt column going into the Longhorn.
The choices are;
Grant G.T... despite the bad luck many of you have had...(barn) I haven't had these problems...and I have everthing I need to install it.

A wheel out of a '90-something S-10. Very nice on the hands.

A 68 wheel sent to me by a board member which I repaired the cracks, painted black, and polished the horn button...

Or this fugly POS that came with the tilt wheel from an '81 GMC van.
(I think you can tell what I want to do with this wheel )
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