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Old 12-23-2002, 09:25 AM   #16
1971 C10 LWB under const.
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Evansville,IN
Posts: 91
Don't hesitate to file a claim in your local small claims court if you know his address.. I'm a prosecutor in Indiana and I assure you that the only way criminal charges would ever be filed is if your county D.A. filed them. and that will only happen when the crime rate in your area falls to zero (and even then I doubt we would charge him anything but a misdemeanor) Small claims is a great deal, normally 30-40 bucks to file a claim and a result within 4to 6 weeks.

By the way, I'm gonna run for Board Prosecutor in 2003, a dollar for your vote sound good?
I see getting married as a can't lose situation........... either gonna live happily ever after or get my 1st wife outta the way

Last edited by humbulay; 12-23-2002 at 12:06 PM.
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