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Old 08-22-2007, 10:37 PM   #16
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Re: anybody know about western chassis?

Originally Posted by slugish View Post
thank you for your response . this is the 1st time I have had any feedback on chassistech, but now Im worried. Ishould have done researh before I just ordered them . Cheaper is definitely not the best way .
If you actually got the "correct" part, and didn't have to modify it to make it fit, and it hasn't fallen apart already your probably safe. Just be forwarned in the future you are taking a gamble ordering from them and the odds are severly stacked against you.

This bag was ordered by the shop working on my Blazer. I asked him not to order anything from them, but he insisted he was a Chassis Tech dealer and they would stand behind their product because he was a dealer.

The bag blew apart while he was standing there watching it. They "refused" to honor the warranty on it becuase he "over extended" it. He told them it was sitting still when it happened but they refused to honor the warranty.

This is just a small samle of the many AIM/Chassis Tech horror stories.
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