My booster basically looks like this including the mounting bracket attatched to the back of it that bolts to the firewall.
This is what looks like is on there now only hella old and rusty. Althogh i think the booster thats on there isn't as thick as the one pictured above.
It just seems that the pedal is too long and hits the floor pan before any real pressure is made inside the MC.
Also i tried searching for a new booster and none come with the threaded input rod like the one in the picture i posted. All of them have a shorter input rid that isn't threaded and has a loop for a pin at the end like this one:
Plus it doesn't have the mounting bracket like the one above. I would order the one above (gold) but its 250 from early classic and i wanna get something cheaper if possible.
What i think i need is more pedal travel.