You've got to be careful about decoders. If they are made for older pickups, then you usually need to leave the first C off to get the decoders to work. Go back to the same decoder and punch it in without the first C and see what you get. If your pickup was a '71, it would have a VIN like CE141FXXXXXX, but starting in '72 there was the extra C thrown in at the start. I think it was actually the start of standardizing VINs so that the manufacturer was part of it (C= Chevy)? I don't know for sure.
my 2¢ - t.i.o.l.i.
1968 K20 fleet
1969 K10 swb fleet
1972 K10 Suburban
1972 C10 lwb step
1992 K1500 'burb
1995 K2500 'burb
1997 C1500 'burb
1999 K1500
2000 K1500 'burb
Why do I own so many Suburbans?