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Old 08-28-2007, 12:01 AM   #14
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Location: Greenfield, MO
Posts: 215
Smile Re: HELP - Wiring Problem!!!!

To all those who said it was a bad ground........

After taking off my tailamp covers a couple of weeks ago I noticed that the moron that primered the thing had primered behind them on the, for lack of knowing what its called, socket plate too. I thought nothing of it as my lights were still working then, flawlessly. I got so frustrated with this junk that I needed something **BRAINLESS** to do for a while so I took the socket plate out to clean it so my lights would be brighter if it reflected off bright shiny metal and low and behold they primered between the socket plate and the bed itself!!!! Ground, what ground. That aint no ground!!!! So a corded drill and a wire brush and a few hours later, LIGHTS. (That work right) With the exception of the Left, Front Parking Lamp and the Right Rear Turn/Brake Lamp. I am hoping that when I put the turn/brake assembly back together I lost a connection that will be simple to fix. On the front I hope like h3!! it is just that ONE of the two elements burned out. I can hope no matter how unlikely it is. While I was wiring I even added some relays I had laying around and relayed my headlights. Folks, it aint no myth that it makes the poor things brighter I can tell you that. Now, on to the body. My Rocker Panels are practically nonexistent. There is a hole the size of a bouncers fist in the driver side cab floor, and a couple of dents and dings. The bed must be rebuilt as far as the cross sills go because they are a F.U.B.A.R.'ed. Anyways, I guess I should start a thread on my build. It won't get updated too often because, as I said before, I am 16 and its football season. My boss knew I was gone during football so I have ZERO income. Which sux. So thats why it wont get updated much. Nothing will be happening. But I'd like to get some pictures posted. I still haven't decided, restoration to FACTORY (exc. stereo, it must NOT be fact.) or custom rod???? What to do....... anyways, Ill post the thread link here when I get it up with pics. Thanks for all the help and sorry this last post is so RETARDEDLY long.


Last edited by 69C10@16; 08-28-2007 at 12:03 AM. Reason: Messed up a word that made me look like a mentally challenged MORON
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