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Old 08-29-2007, 12:50 AM   #7
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Location: New Hampshire,Ohio
Posts: 14
Re: Plastic 72 crew cab model kit on ebay

It is a resin cab. For that you would have to use CA glue or a similar type of super-glue. Quite frankly, in my opinion, the base kit you would need to build this one up sucks. The detail is poor and the only rims and tires that you get in the kit are the huge 20"? rims and low profile tires. The AMT hot trucks72' Chevy would work a little better for a stock looking truck.It comes with stock style tires, and two different rim choices, stock or something similar to Cragars, or american racing rims. I have both kits and prefer the second one . probably won't build the first one unless I can find some decent tires to put on it.
1972 C-10 LWB
350 3 on the tree
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