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Old 05-13-2002, 11:47 AM   #2
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if the rockers are seriously almost gone literally nonexistent then its basically a parts truck anyways, and should be super cheap, sounds like a 100-300 dollar truck to me. unless it runs and drives and is reliable in every mechanical way.
where are you at ? sounds like you are int he rust belt too, when you say rust under rails and firewall, do you mean actual real rust or just surface rust?

Randy- Lincoln, IL 2177353230
*many GM parts bought, traded, or sold -am parting out: '81 Cutlass Supreme Brougham

current fleet: -71 C-10 350/CH465/3.07- basketcase, #1
-90 Cavalier 2.2L sky blue, a driver
-84 Z28 5.0L/700R4/3.73 daily driver
-84 Firebird/SE 2.8L/T-5/3.73/engine bad, project #2
-82 purple Trans Am, project #3
*Paint is overrated*
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