Re: Vehicle opinions wanted
thanks for the feedback so far guys keep it comin.
xtreme80 im strongly considering a burb as it would meet all my requirements and then some.i could even throw the 355 in the 78 into it and have the best of both worlds.not sure on the crew cab truck never really gave thought to one of those.if i get a burb ill most likely keep the truck but who knows my truck has been pretty good to me but does need alot of work to be in top shape.
knightlife as much as i would love to have a bagged burb or bagged truck of any kind for that matter its not in my budget right now but im not opposed to lowering one in the future
eyegore thanks for the info on the burb and tahoe im not a real big fan of them(tahoes that is)but a friend of mine up north has one i drove it once and it seemed to drive nice and smooth and had pretty good power not sure what year it is i wanna say a 03 it was the post 00 body style and it was nice inside and out.
blackstone a car would be suitable as long it seats at least 5 and on occasion 7 my son and daughter from my prior marriage live with there mom and i do get them on visits from time to time but they dont live with me so the main people i have to transport are the wife,her daughters(my stepdaughters) and my soon to be newborn son and oldest daughter would only be over once a month or so(long story not going to elaborate on it now)but getting back on point here my dad has a roadmaster and it is a damn good car has over 200k on the original drivetrain the tranny was rebuilt in 04 or 05 and the motor is due for replacement as soon as my dad recovers from bone spur surgery and gets his motorcycle in better running order.i would drive a caprice or roadmaster in a heartbeat my expierience with both type of car has been nothing but good.
I'd rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford
The Beast-1978 C10 LWB
Red-1978 C10 LWB
(Uncle Mike)Michael Henry Millett 11/5/1957 to 03/08/2012
Gone but will never be forgotten-RIP
(Uncle Chuck)Charles Manning Gulbronsen Sr 1956-2012
Taken from us to soon but you will live on in our hearts-RIP