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Old 08-30-2007, 08:12 PM   #1
Live fast, die young
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Posts: 293
New exhaust system

Got my new exhaust installed today...took it to the shop that my neighbor works at it, and got it all done for $150 since he's my neighbor - a great deal with all the pipe, mufflers and work involved. Took about 3 hours to do.

The mufflers are, I think, Flo-Pro glasspacks; the shorter versions, as evidenced by pics.

Pipe is 2 1/2", 14 gauge. It's all straight pipe past the mufflers. Surprisingly enough, for me in the cab, it's actually pretty much the same sound and driving at 75+mph is smooth as silk. Maybe not for the people behind me, though. The benefit of having a crew cab; you don't get the sound, but everybody else does. Yeah, I'm an ass, but screw them.

It has a nice deep rumble at idle, and at cruising speed, it's not very loud or obnoxious. However, on acceleration, you start to get that slight cackle coming out the back. It's great on hard acceleration.

Just what I was looking to upgrade to. Little louder, but not unreasonable because I have to deal with it on road trips, and mild enough for cruising through residential areas at night; yet when I want to make it echo between brick buildings in towns and cities, it's ready to cackle and bellow.

Yeah, I know, my undercarriage is a little rusty. Sue me.

Last edited by D-Day; 08-30-2007 at 08:12 PM.
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