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Old 12-25-2002, 08:52 AM   #1
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Angry My front axle took a crap!!!

I have a 1969 K20 with a Dana 44 HD front axle with enclosed knuckles. It has been making a squeaking noise and clunking every once in a while for about a week now. The other night it finally broke. I was going around a right hand curve in the road and it went BANG and started pulling to the left really hard. I got it home but haven't torn it apart yet. I think it was the u-joint on the left side that broke. Has anyone ever had this happen? How hard are they to fix? What special tools are required? I'm hoping nothing major is screwed up in there.
1969 3/4 ton 4x4
33's with no lift, gotta love it!
A man and his truck, it's a beautiful thing.
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