What started as a day of yardwork morphed into something more when my son showed up to wash his clothes and truck and asked me if I wanted to put the hood on the '67. 2 hrs, many bolts (the front clip was loose as well), 3 qt. of tranny fluid, several cranks to get oil pressure (been sitting for 2 years), cowl installation, air pressure, air in the bags, steering fluid and it started on the first shot of gas in the carb. I have been running it around the block all day...ever increasing distances to make sure nothing goes wrong.

It just needs a windshield, drop spindles and bags installed up front and eventually a "c" notch in the rear. Too much fun just driving it for now after a long layoff. Before and after pics...still a long way from being done but at least it is back on the road. Now back to the Longhorns!