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Old 09-02-2007, 12:42 PM   #3
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Re: Difference in doors?

The 73-76 doors have a shorter door panel and a lot of the door is exposed on the inside . The 77 up doors use a larger door panel and they have provisions to mount the door panel . If you have a 73-76 truck and you buy later doors , you will be able to see the mounting points for the newer door panel style . If your truck is later than 77 , you can use any door shell you want but you will have to drill mounting holes in the door . The window regulator shaft is also shorter on 73-76 doors than on the later doors . If you are buying new doors , get the correct one for the truck you have . If you are looking for used ,complete doors , you probably want to get the same year doors also since the vent windows are a little different depending on the year as well as the thickness of the glass itsself . Frank
Born and proudly residing in a Red State !
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