Thread: Die-cast 67-72
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Old 09-03-2007, 10:20 PM   #87
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Re: Die-cast 67-72

Paul, I had no idea those stamped steel ones came in different colors. I'd never seen anything but the blue. Nice collection, very cool. Could you post a picture of those ones to the left of those. You have the Bell Pioneer truck and some hot wheels, but they look custom, I don't recognise them.

Here are some better pics of my recent finds:
These zylmex ones lost their stripes or decals, and the yellow one has a broken rear bumper.

Here are some shots I always wanted to take to show the varied scales. Some just ain't right.

I wish I new how to make it focus through the full depth of the picture.

Last edited by hgs_notes; 09-03-2007 at 10:59 PM.
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