This weeks updates
Finally got rid of all the cab rot
Replaced to rockers/ backing plate and some of the floor.
Cut an welded some patch plates in the door corners
Graphed in a outside parth of the door jam from my other cab.
Shaved the ash tray (ac controls will go here one day)
Shaved the jacked up tape player area until I find the cd player I'm using.
Shaved the gas filler.
Painted the engine and heads. and put it on the frame.
Got new cab mounts and a fender patch panels in the mail today.
Rochester quadrajet should be in the mail tomorrow. I'll be rebuilding it this weekend
Picked up a TH400 for 100 bucks and will be having it overhauled soon.
This week has been busy, and on top of that, I have a 19 credit hour semester.
Last edited by David Flores; 09-05-2007 at 08:32 PM.