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Old 09-08-2007, 05:08 PM   #8
Why does it taste purple?
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Cambridge Md
Posts: 621
Re: Another member from MD

Originally Posted by old Rusty C10 View Post
Cambridge MD huh i used to have a place in Hurlock which i used as a vacation home on my buddys property. He still lives down there. At one time i was going to move there permanantly in the late eighties but my wife at the time didnt want to so i sold off things there and i visit from time to time. I used to have a couple of friends that lived on Oakley Street in Cambridge and I was all set to work for Willow Construction down there...I have some fond memories of your town.. fishing in the choptank river before they put in the new bridge.. heck i even remember the Ames and some of the places on Rte 50.. do they still make great subs in the shell station off rte 50 by 16 near wal mart? I heard that they turned the state psych hospital into a hotel now
lol well anyway Im Bob welcome to the board!
Are you talking about the shell station that was acroos from Hardees's? If so,that is gone.Now a Royal Farms occupies that lot.Or are you talking about the Pep-Up on Rt 50 that filled the subs to the brim with meat and cheese? lol.I don't know how long ago you were here but alot of stuff has changed
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