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Old 09-09-2007, 03:23 PM   #15
Why does it taste purple?
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Re: Another member from MD

Originally Posted by old Rusty C10 View Post
this shell station was( if memory serves correct) near the wal mart and they filled the subs to the brim with meat and the owner used to also sell the gas station toy trucks and had quite a collection in the dining room.
the people i knew on oakley street got divorced and he moved down rte 16 somewhere and she moved to Trappe I havent been down there in a couple of years and I havent really been down there for any length of time since the late nineties
Ok,that was the Shell station on the corner of Woods Rd and Rt 50.Yup,thats gone.There is a Royal Farms gas station there now.We also have like 10 new housing developments,a bunch of pharmacies, and tons of vacant buildings lol.If you haven't been here in a while,you won't recognize the place.
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