Thread: 700r4 ?
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Old 12-28-2002, 01:39 AM   #7
68 with 350 TPI
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I figured it may have been the pump as I posted above

I have seen many of them go bad from a bad converter.
Way too common of a problem here.

The part you are talking about that was welded wrong sits in agaist the crank and gives the converter somthing to ride...... While the flexplate is bolted to the outer edges if the center of the converter is not in the middle it will wobble and that can cause all kinds of bad things to the pump

I would have a talk with the shop and see what happens or take them to to civil court.

Sounds like they did a 1/2 ass job ,plus used cheap parts and they need to pay for it to be fixed or fix it themselves.

Most people think of a 700R4 as week because of shops like this.
I hear all the time well my 700 only lasted a few months before it went.
Bad trans shop end of story here.

BTW there is a little more to adjusting the TV valve than just having it tight.
It also adjusts shift timming,feel, as well as internal pressure.

Keep us posted on this one.
Life is good with a 6-71 supercharged 355 in a 72 camaro

Last edited by 68 with 350 TPI; 12-28-2002 at 01:42 AM.
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