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Old 09-14-2007, 11:24 PM   #3
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Posts: 8
Re: HELP!!! It's smokin!!

I'll check the lower hose again in the morning. For some reason I thought that the coolant always flowed, just more when the themostat is open. My buddy says it wouldnt hurt to pop in a new thermo just in case though.

I never did check my exhaust before now so I have no frame of reference on the fuel mixture. Does anyone think it's possible that I could have accidently adjusted something in the carb? I was playing with the choke and throttle when I was cleaning it, but everything seemed to go back into place when I was done... what the hell did I do to make it run rougher than and hour before?

I'm sure this is the first of MANY frustrations this beauty is gonna give me (actually its probably the 3rd or 4th by now).
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