Thanks for the compliments! She looks much better at a distance, hehe. The color is a 96 F*rd M*stang color, Candy Apple Red base/clear. It looked good back in 96 but there's some rust coming through in some of the usual places - Above windshield, lower driver door, where trim used to be under rear glass. But the rockers and cab corners "seem" solid. Plus the usual chips and scratches, couple of them rusty.
A friend of mine is trying to buy a body shop, hopefully it will work out.

If so, I'll go with the new dark red metallic on the 50th anniversary vette.
I thought I got a couple interior pics on there and a down the side shot too. I don't have a straight side shot because I have plenty of that on video. Anyone wanna post an MPEG for me for a week or two? :p
69 C10 2WD LWB Fleet 350/350 power front disc conversion (6 lug disc kit from gmcpauls) and new engine, PS, A/C, fresh fluids, SHE DRIVES!
FOR SALE $3900