Thread: How bad is it?
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Old 09-19-2007, 08:47 AM   #17
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Re: How bad is it?

Why is the carb "bad". Has it been sitting w/ gas in it? If you want to drive it, you need to be sure it is safe for the road. Has it been sitting a long time? If it has been sitting, go to a parts store and buy a carb kit and a gallon of carb cleaner, disassmble, soak, clean and rebuild the carb, change all fuids in engine, trans, radiator and rear axle and power steering. Pull the wheels and take a look at the brakes and especially brake hoeses. While the wheels are off, check the tires for knots, excessive cracking, ec.Bleed the brakes, even if it seems to stop OK now. You will be suprised what come out of it! While Clean all grease off of the drivetrain you can with degreaser and a power washer so that you can tell if anything is leaking badly and fix accordingly. Don't worry about cosmetics until you do the work to make it road worthy. There is no use putting a truck on the road that is not safe. It looks as if the first task would be to find a decent cab. Are you in Texas? Donor trucks in Central Texas are still around. Even with a donor cab, expect to have to install rockers and possibly cab corners. If it needs more than this, I would pass on buying the cab. Craigslist is a good source. I believe the cab years are the same, find one with the large back window and factory AC. If you have the room, you can restore the cab before swapping it onto your truck. It is a lot easier to work with a cab off the truck. Plan to buy a new pass fender and fender well and battery tray, possibly radiator support. Originals are rotted out 99% of the time. A good tip on resto parts is to find an out of state vendor who comes to your state for swap meets. I use Kenny's Truck Parts in Oklahoma. I can call him with a list of parts I need, he brings them to the Ft. Worth or New Braunfels, TX swap meets, saving me shipping, and since he is out of state, not TAX! GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN! DON"T GET OVERWHELMED!
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