Thread: interior
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Old 09-19-2007, 04:15 PM   #3
On the road

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Re: interior

No they won't fit right, you will have to change the buns. They are shaped differently and they won't fit the buns correctly. The 69-70 seams for the center part (insert) angle outward and the 71-72 seams are straight. It's hard to explain but there was a photo floating around here showing the differences. I think it's in the FAQ. I want to do the same thing to mine one of these days. My seats are out of a 69 but I want to put the 72 upholstery on them as well.


Castro- 72 SWB. Ochre and White. 496/400 turbo, GV OD ,Dakota Digital dash , tilt, Vintage Air, PS, hydro boost, factory buckets, console, QA-1 Coil over suspension, 20/20"Billet Specialties Magnetos

72 SWB. Med blue. 454/400 turbo, tach, tilt, Stock AC, PS,PDB, factory buckets, console, ECE 4/6 drop w/ 2" blocks and C-notch, 20/20"Coys- Crashed and destroyed by drunk driver Sept 2019. New 72 build in the works.

My new build thread "Castro"

My old build thread, the blue truck
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