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Old 09-19-2007, 11:22 PM   #16
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Re: My first project. '70 GMC swb 4x4

I totally agree..... "The reality is that if even if the GMC is rarer, the Chevy is more desirable to the masses, and will worth more money restored."......
IMO it will stay that way for years to come.
I see rants about changing GMCs to chevys from time to time. BUT I've seen many trucks on here sell parted out, and then sent to the crusher that was really a shame to part out. Some in much much better shape than what board members have for projects or more rust free than the GMCs that are being changed over....a rant for changing a grill radiator support and tailgate but none for a perfectly good truck being destroyed...
Turning a truck into what you like verses turning a buck.
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