Thread: Power steering
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Old 12-29-2002, 08:59 PM   #1
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Power steering

Ok guys I have a 67 short step with a 69 camaro 350 engine and manual steering. So I went to a local junkyard and found a power steering gearbox out of a 75 truck, I didn’t need a pump cuz the camaro engine has one on it. Soooo I got the old gearbox out and the new one in its place with no probs I hooked up the fluid lines and then the belt to the pump. I prime it and when I turn the wheel it makes a loud wining noise, I think it is coming out of the pump. Everything works fine but the noise and then as soon as I turn the engine off steering fluid shoots out of the top of the cap on the pump, A lot of it to. Where do u think my problem lies fellas? Is it a pump, gearbox, or just an obstructing in one of the lines?

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