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Old 09-20-2007, 09:03 PM   #1
swervin ervin
You get what you pay for
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Autometer gauges mounted in dash cluster

OK guys. Here you go. Up for sale is the original Autometer Pro Comp gauges mounted from behind in the dash bezel. Also have a polished aluminum instrument panel trim that will go with it. These were installed in my 85 C10.

I was the first to do this. Here is the article I wrote about my install.

As you see from the article, I now have the instrument panel aluminum trim too. These have worked great for me and look factory installed. I think my asking price is fair since I have done all the work and used a new factory bezel and the trim piece too that cost over $100.00 by itself. I also used a Painless Performance universal gauge wiring harness.

So, the first to give me $600.00 for this, they will be yours. I accept Paypal so we will work out payment in a PM.

Forgot to mention that I will also include the Autometer braided hose kit for the mechanical oil pressure gauge, along with the sending units for the oil pressure and water temp gauges.

Thanks for looking.

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Last edited by swervin ervin; 09-20-2007 at 09:15 PM. Reason: Added info about hose kit.
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