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Old 09-21-2007, 05:31 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Greenfield, MO
Posts: 215
Im Going Carburetor Crazy!

I am SO confused. I just bought a 1405 Edelbrock Carb (600 CFM Manual Choke 4 Barrel) to put on my 307 with a Holley Contender intake that's already on it. I have had to do a lot to this truck and don't have the money to pay anybody to put it on but I have to get it done because my 2 barrel (mounted on a Mr. Gasket Co. reducer) leaks. It looks like somebody JB Welded a hole that is under the float. I don't have any idea what I'm doing and the book that came with it only tells how to adjust it. I understand why they don;t tell you how to install. It varies so much from vehicle to vehicle. Can anybody tell me what I'm going to have to do? Maybe there's somebody close to Greenfield, MO that would like to come help out a newby tomorrow?
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