Originally Posted by Alex Hayley
... I used my vacuum gauge to complete the timing since it was off the timing pointer at this point. By the time I had the highest vacuum(18) the mark on the balancer was almost straight up and under the waterpump. What could be wrong at this point? Looking for ideas at this point. Thanks for help so far!!!
A quick fix is to set the #1 cylinder at the top of the piston in the compression stroke (tdc). Here's what I do.
1. I remove the spark plugs to make it easier to rotate the crank.
2. I stick my finger in the spark plug hole while I move the crank with my 1/2 inch ratchet and socket on the crank bolt.
3. Once I feel pressure, I insert a screwdriver in the hole and watch it as the piston pushes it upwards to the exact top of it's travel.
4. At this time your harmonic balancer should also be at the tdc mark on the indicator. Place a white paint mark at that point and check your timing again.
All the above is if the balancer is not slipping or defective.
If you want to mark it permanently, use a small triangular file. I just clean it off real good with solvent and place a thin white paint mark using enamel paint I got from a hobby shop.