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Old 09-21-2007, 06:56 PM   #17
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Re: distributor/intake interference question

Originally Posted by Alex Hayley View Post
................. However, the truck does not run properly until I have advanced the distributor from the stock 0 degrees mark on the timing tab to a point where the distributor mark is almost pointing straight up...............What is confusing me is that TDC on #1 is also where the balancer mark lines up with the 0 degree timing tab mark. ???? Which leads me to believe the outer balancer ring has not slipped. Something else must be wrong. I have reached the extent of my knowledge at this point though.
I have a couple of (misguided?) thoughts on this. It seems that you have done everything right and without offending you, have you made sure that you are on the #1 plug wire with the timing light. It looks like you have an HEI distributer in there. I have seen a point dizzy with a loose cam gear (slipping on the shaft) causing the timing to change every time it was started.
Has the engine been rebuilt recently? If it has, it may have been assembled a tooth off on the cam gear of the timing chain. I've also seen aftermarket cams that have the dowel pin off by as much as 12 degrees. This will make you set your ignition timing off to compensate for the valves not closing at the right time and also rob you of HP.

Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmm?
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