09-23-2007, 01:32 AM
I dun gradjiated collij!!!
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: St. Helens Oregon
Posts: 1,751
Re: Under vehicle oil wash... question
Originally Posted by cdowns
you'd just get your buddies and a couple of quarts of beer at night and go rippen anound those oiltreated dirt roads fishtail away till you figured the chassis was coated or you ran out of beer// i used to love doin that with the big old merks buicks hudsons from the 50's nobody wanted them they were 10-20bucks each back then...
CDOWNS, that is a side of you I never would have thunk existed....
I new a farmer that use to slather his wrecks with grease out of a five gallon bucket to "protect" them from the elements.
Built NOT Bought.