Thread: good question
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Old 09-24-2007, 03:28 PM   #103
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Re: good question

Originally Posted by '68 C-20 View Post
My bride of 23 years and I thought we wanted a truck to tow a toy hauler to take the Bikes on trips. We lamented over the cost of used pickups (I never buy new)and how fast they dropped in value, and how much we would have to put out to get a half way decent one with less than 100k.

She said, "You used to fix up old trucks when we first got together. Could we use one of those?" I thought about it for about 3miliseconds and told her we could if we could find the right running gears we certainly could.

I started searching on the 'net, and two days later we happen to be driving to her brothers house and she points and says, "Isn't that an old truck like the one you used to have? Could we use one of those?" Sure enough I had driven right by the C20 in a driveway with the 4-sale sign in the side window.

We stopped and looked at it, it was extremly spotless for a 40 year old truck here in New Hampshire. Never been touched, (except with touch up paint) ready to drive home and restore. It is set up to haul a lot more than I will ever haul with it.

We aint restored it yet, I put a rear trailing arm in it and she wants to take it out some place every weekend! Can't get it off the road long enough to tear down.

Guess it will happen this winter. Guess ill keep em' both!
Well your one of the few that can get your girl in your truck do you have a pic with her in your truck?
I guess you could say I’m not really lazy I’m just real good at doing nothing!!!!
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