Re: Just installed a new tank and pump.... now not working!
And just to add, this must obviously be a grounding issue. For the guage to jump wayyyyy past the full mark on $10 worth of fuel, and for no fuel to be pumping, it's shorting somewhere. On my 87, it consisted of 3 fuel hoses (which I re-installed correctly), an actual wire that had a 2-prong connector at the end, I'm guessing that is for the sending unit and pump, a very thin, which appeared to be a ground wire, and then at the filler neck, a grounding strap wire. That very thin "ground wire", I had to cut in order to drop the old tank, there was no room to see where it actually connected. On installation, I twisted the wire together and added a crimp. Just because I cut it, does not mean it can't work, it's intertwined, it has to make contact! I will take a look again this weekend but if it's nothing to do with the wiring outside the tank, maybe the new pump is just faulty. I saved the working old one just in case.
Last edited by chevymotocross; 09-25-2007 at 11:32 AM.