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Old 09-26-2007, 11:03 AM   #4
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Re: Just installed a new tank and pump.... now not working!

The one I pulled worked, the only reason I replaced the pump/strainer was because the job is tough enough replacing a tank, so I figured while I'm there why not throw in a $40 pump. It must not be priming at all, because as soon as I would switch to the auxillary tank, the truck would fire right up. Here is the wierd part, yesterday I go to show a buddy what is wrong, and the pump operates and has an accurate gauge. I was able to drive around all day yesterday on the new pump. I will see what happens today. I still don't trust it though. For it to not work for an entire day, after I installed it, still does not sit well with me.

Last edited by chevymotocross; 09-26-2007 at 11:04 AM.
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