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Old 09-26-2007, 01:43 PM   #4
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Re: 1 ton chassis under the burb

I think its a 72. Poor burb will get abused Im sure. This thing has a lot of waight to throw around and will be used for camping and as a recovery vehical for a buggy when I get around to building one. i was thinking if the 6.2 ever goes up in smoke that Im puting in it the next step will be a 6bt so this would give me a better frame for when that day comes. The burb is coming off the frame nomatter what so every thing can be blasted down and painted plus it will be easier to figure out the new drive line with the body off I have to mount the divirced 205 and the NV 4500 in it so I want to make all the new cross members with the body off.
68 2500 4x4 GMC Burb
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