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Old 09-28-2007, 07:55 AM   #25
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Re: What's My Blazer Worth?

A couple of thoughts--automatic with 4.11 gears makes it a hard swallow for me as it is geared pretty low with auto. The rest looks great but has it had significant body repair as a rebuild or is it pretty much original as it looks? $12-15K seems to be the going rate for a nice restored K5 but finding a ready buyer is difficult as there are a lot of 4x4 cheaper options out there so you need to find someone who appreciates a classic. I had mine at the Street Rod nationals this summer and must have handed out 20-30 cards with my name and phone #---everyone stopped to check it out but not one followed up which tells me money is being held close right now.
Want to sell it---find the wealthiest area you can, then put a big sign in the window with a price of $19,500. obo---it will sell pretty fast. Take a trip down to the Hamptons on LI and park it with a sign on a weekend (top off). You will get a lot of traffic with a lot of money---and having a weekend toy that you can take the top off and run around with----WOW!! The board and e-bay is not the way to sell a top line classic as everyone is looking for a bargin at your expense. Selling projects--sure but a finished beauty ----go where the money is!! If I was serious about selling mine---that is what I would do. My .02~~~Huck
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