Selling Advice Needed
I will defer to the mods if they feel this is a WIW post, but it's not directly intended to be.
Would it be worth performing some mods on a Blazer before selling it? Imay or may not be selling my truck, but I have sevel things lined up that I planned on installing. Would it be worth installing these to command a hight asking price or would it be wasted?
Items are:
1) 700R4 install to replace TH350 (already have trans & conv.)
2) TPI injection conversion (already have all but EPROM & a couple of sensors)
3) electric fan installation
4) rocker and floor metal repair - both sides & front pans
5) grill replacement
I guess the thought is this - would each (any) of these add enough 'value' to the truck to be able to command a higher asking price (enough to offset the install parts cost - my labor is free)?
Is that confusing enough?
After readig this - it is a WIW thread. Please ignore until I get Blue....
Last edited by herb101; 09-29-2007 at 10:46 AM.
Reason: Oops