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Old 10-01-2007, 11:41 PM   #7
On the college boy budget...
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Re: Help! Sudden electrical problem

For what it's worth, I had a VERY similar problem just last week. Went to fire up the truck, nothing, and then just like you described absolutely couldn't get anything else on the truck to work. I thought something was shorting out the truck but I couldn't find anything obviously wrong (however the previous owner did a real number on the wiring in my truck).

Feeling at a complete loss I decided what the hell, I'll just disconnect the battery cables and reconnect them. Well it did the trick and the truck started right up when I went to see if that had done anything.

I didn't notice if the cables were on the battery tight or not when I took em off but they definitely weren't corroded or anything.
-'68 C10 short/step- 350/350
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