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Old 10-02-2007, 12:00 AM   #22
"Trucks with Class"
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Location: OLYMPIA, WA, USA
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Re: Brothers truckin?? WTF? Anyone else?

Brothers is a top notch company and their people are good, but they can get overwhelmed at times...especially Mondays right after the weekend.
I will try not to rant too hard myself, but I never understand why guys go out-of-town to order their parts, when there are several good parts suppliers right in your area! They are stocked with lots of parts...ready to go! Go check out your locals and see what you can get right here at home. If you are not satisfied with the quality, selection or prices...then go ahead and send your money to California or other places.
You will not get any better assistance than from those right in your own back yard.
Do you know what is available here? Have you gone to any of our western Washington truck parts dealers?
Please be perfectly clear that I am not soliciting your business. I have more than I can handle, but you wouldn't have those complaints if you were dealing with one of the guys near you.
Good luck with your truck!
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