Well It's been a while since I've done any thing to mine,but this is a slow project.Me and Brian (71see10) finally got it put together.I didn't thing it would take so long to finish wood and prep the truck.We may have went over board on a few things but after reading peoples comment on the board and around at cruise ins we tried to get everything in order.
This what it looked like before with a rubber mat.
First we started out by pre fitting the boards to the bed,we hid some of the bolts that hold the bed to the frame!
Next was one of the maybe over board thing,every one complained about not having or enough heat sheilds to protect the wood, I went and bought sheet metal for Brian to work his magic,now I have custom heat sheilds.
Next we just had to put the final touches to the boards and put them in, still
like the
angle on the sides but I 'm having custom ones built,maybe by this Saturday.
I'll post more pic after the angle pieces get installED. Hope you like,(Chuckles)