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Old 10-03-2007, 09:37 AM   #4
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Location: Clanton, AL
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Re: You better get you a fire extinguisher!!!!

I have a fire extinguisher in each vehicle & each house & each garage.

I once sat on the side of I-65 trying to blow a fire out when the 2.5 burned a piston & threw oil everywhere on my old S-10. Now I have a 5lb extinguisher in the glove box of my C-10 & trunk of the Neon.

(This makes me think though, I should probably replace the oil pan gasket, as my headers are always coated in fresh oil).

My 1000th Post!!!!!
85' CUCV M1009!!! The newest addition!
6.2diesel, Th400, NP208, & only 36k miles!
70' C-10 LWB Fleetside - Looking good these days!
05' Dodge Neon
88' Winner Escape Sport 1750 - 4.3v6
94' Seadoo SP
84' Honda TRX200, bare nekkid. Just a frame & tires.

Always looking for another project or any good deal!

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